
Eight pieces of brocade
Eight pieces of brocade

eight pieces of brocade

Place the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth and breathe deeply from the lower abdomen. Should be performed in as relaxed a manner as possible, tensing only the muscles needed to do the posture. Stretch the legs and lock the knees, then raise the heels as high as possible while exhaling, then let yourself down while inhaling. Stand with the feet close together and the arms hanging loosely by the sides. Return to the starting position while inhaling and do the movement with the right fist. While exhaling, slowly strike upward and to the left with the left fist. Stand in a horse stance with the fists at the sides. Return to the original position while inhaling.

eight pieces of brocade

Stretch up to but not beyond the point of pain. Straighten the legs and lock the knees, then while exhaling bend forward and touch the floor with the palms, keeping the legs straight. Hold the hands in front of the body with the palms facing up and the middle fingers pointing toward each other. L^an to the right.īring the feet back to shoulder width. Lean as far to the left as possible without raising the feet, and keep the hands on the thighs. Place the palms on the thighs near the knees with the fingers inward. Step to the left and assume the horse stance. While inhaling bring the fists back to the sides and return to the starting position. At the same time makeĪ fist with the right hand and pull it back to the right shoulder, much like drawing a bow. Look at the index finger and extend it horizontally to the left while exhaling. Curl the three small fingers of the left hand and make a "V" with the index finger and the thumb. While exhaling turn the body slightly to the left and cross the arms in front of the chest. While inhaling step to the left and assume a horse stance. Inhale and return to the original position. While exhaling simultaneously raise the right hand overhead palm up and move the left hand down palm down. While inhaling bring the hands to their original position. While exhaling, simultaneously move the left hand overhead palm up and the right hand down palm down. Hold the hands in front of the body with hands facing up and the middle fingers pointing toward each other. Inhale while returning the hands to their starting position. While exhaling, swing the arms out in front of the chest and then up until the arms are overhead with the palms facing up. Lace the fingers together in front of the body with the palms facing up.

eight pieces of brocade

Exhale while turning the head as far as possible to the right and looking to the rear, then inhale while looking to the front again. While inhaling return the gaze to the front. While exhaling turn the head as far to the left as possible without moving the rest of the body and look to the rear. Stand with the feet parallel and shoulder width apart. Perform the movements one after the other without stopping until a complete set is done, then repeat the complete set as many times as desired. Perform the exercises slowly and keep relaxed. Keep the back vertical, except where leaning is part of the exercise. Relax before and after exercising, perhaps by taking a short walk. When performing the set, the following rules should be observed: The brocade is a cloth, usually of silk, woven into complex and colorful patterns, and is very highly prized, just as the good health produced by these simple exercises is highly prized. This set was widely practiced all over China, and developed several distinct styles, all of them effective. The original set consisted of 12 forms, but this has been shortened to eight. The names of the eight exercises vary, especially in English, but even in Chinese to some extent.Marshal Yueh Fei is credited with the creation of the Eight Pieces of Brocade (Ba Dun Gin) in the twelfth century during the Sung dynasty (960-1279 A.D.) in order to improve the health of his soldiers.

  • Jesse Tsao, always excellent, offers an instructional video.
  • Matoko Rashka offers an excellent explanation.
  • eight pieces of brocade

    Cloud Hands is comprehensive, as usual.Wikipedia was my source for the paragraph above.The routine is “medical” rather than martial–practiced for its health benefits, and it is at least a thousand years old, mentioned and illustrated in Song Dynasty encyclopedias (the illustration below is not that old). Ba Duan Jin is a Qigong routine that consists of eight exercises and takes about twelve minutes.

    Eight pieces of brocade